A Pamela Kellough Mural can tell your story

Day 20 and my project was done There are three postcards representing three different eras of time. The Native American represents the ancient, the historic buildings represent the immediate past and the collage is of modern Bainbridge. Of the four historic buildings, only one still exists in the village and in the postcard featuring modern life I pulled together retail and industry by painting elements representing different establishments. The saw blade for the sawmills, the shopping bag for the stores, the wrench for the many auto retailers and repair, the comb for the salon and barber,the hammer for the hardware and contractors, the mug for the restaurants, the mortar and pestle for the clinic and pharmacy, the coins for the bank and retail, the rose for the floral suppliers and funeral home, the feed sack for stock farming and feed store, and the animals for the butcher shop and farms. This mural can be seen on the Senior Citizens Building at the corner of Maple Street and St. Route 50 in Bainbridge, Ohio. Please check out my Facebook page at @pamelakelloughmurals to see day by day progress of this mural. The final mural size was 15 ft tall by 30 ft. long.
This is my "granddog" Gwennie. I painted canvases of her and her brother Bono, a golden Lab as a gift for the nursery for my grandson.
Here are two of my cabinets I painted for an uplift to my kitchen. After posting this to Facebook, the post went viral with over 2.5 million views!
Here are two of my cabinets I painted for an uplift to my kitchen. After posting this to Facebook, the post went viral with over 2.5 million views!
I painted a wedding chapel in a nearby city that included a ceiling of over 1100 square feet. A focal point wall was plain and the client wanted windows to simulate a pastoral scene.
This mural was painted in the gym of the Chillicothe Middle School. I was originally asked to paint the small area under the flag and scoreboard but as I began layout I realized this needed to have more impact. I wanted it to look as those the balls had been dropped from up high and were bouncing toward the observer.
I am hired to participate in many commercial projects and have had the pleasure of painting in most of our local libraries. This is my favorite place to be! The librarians asked me to paint beloved characters from children's books and I had them all emanating from the open L.Frank Baum novel, The Wizard of Oz. To make each relate to the other, I made them dance upon the yellow brick road.
I am hired to participate in many commercial projects and have had the pleasure of painting in most of our local libraries. This is my favorite place to be! The librarians asked me to paint beloved characters from children's books and I had them all emanating from the open L.Frank Baum novel, The Wizard of Oz. To make each relate to the other, I made them dance upon the yellow brick road.
At LabCorp in Dublin, Ohio I was asked to paint a mural featuring many local landmarks and events that are around the area. I laid them out in the location they could be found and added a map of the interstates surrounding the area. It was highly successful. The smaller photos are of our local hero, Jack Hannah and Colo the Gorilla and a statue of Jack Nicklaus.